Installation, performance, two paintings, 2008
According to Slovenia law, a living space, positioned on the ground only on four points should need no legal permissions. I have built a living space minimum size that still has the possibility for all the living
needs; a bed, a sink, place to cook and place for fun and entertainment. A house is 2x2x2M big and positioned on a metal construction 1,5M high. House and all its equipment is built out of trash and found materials. During the oppening a performer lived inside the house. He was trapped inside time and space, doing his everyday needs; cooking, reading, listening to the radio… The viewer could come to visit him but at the same time he/she became a part of the performance. Three static cameras were recording the performance and projecting the picture on three TV screens at the base of the house. After the performance the recordings became constant part of the installation.
Performance by Ludvik Bagari.
Work is part of the exhibition Against The History For a Bit Of Good Old Love done by Mark Požlep and Jaša, Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje, 2008