Installation, various materials, dimension variable, video 8’45”, 2008
Staged, wooden-hunting room serves as habitat for three superheroes. Egocentric Batman, fulfilled with his own fame, fanatically religious Superman who thinks that he is Jesus and schizophrenic, cartoonish Bananaman with big sexual problem. During the performance the superheroes die / kill each other because of their ideals, the last one is Bananaman, falling on an axe.
The project was an answer to the brutal reaction on my artwork Last Supper Of Superheroes presented in the Gallery in Ribnica, Slovenia. An unknown night visitor broke into the gallery and destroyed the artwork with an axe. He/she run away and left the axe behind.
With Velibor Barišic, Ludvik Bagari, Jaša, Hana S Vodeb and Samo Letonja